Homeless Education Services

Homeless Education Services


The McKinney-Vento- Education for Homeless Children & Youths act provides protections for students who are unhoused/homeless, including enrollment rights (see below: Rights for Students Who Are Unhoused).  The SCUSD Homeless Services Office supports the enrollment, attendance, and achievement of students who are experiencing homelessness to ensure they receive equal access to educational opportunities.

Definition of Students who are Unhoused / Homeless

Students who have lost their housing are defined as unhoused/homeless if they lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This includes living in: emergency shelters or transitional housing programs; a public/private place that is not designed for or normally used as a place for sleeping (cars, parks/public places, abandoned/condemned buildings, bus stations, etc); motel/hotel, campground, or travel trailer due to a lack of alternative adequate accommodations; temporarily moved in with others due to a loss of housing or financial problems (eviction, job loss, etc).  This also includes students who live in the above situations and who are unaccompanied youth, runaways, children abandoned in hospitals, and migratory children.

Registering a Student Who is Unhoused / Homeless

A student who is unhoused/homeless can be immediately enrolled even if missing required documentation, such as birth certificate, immunization records, photo ID, etc.  If the documents are available, they can be submitted at the time of enrollment.  If the documents are not available, the student will be immediately enrolled with a Conditional Enrollment and grace period to turn in the missing documents.  High School Transcripts:  If missing transcripts, the student can choose to be immediately enrolled in grade appropriate classes or they can choose to delay enrollment pending receipt of their transcripts. 

For Student Registration (Online & Paper): https://www.scusd.edu/post/what-you-need-know-register-your-student

Contact the Homeless Education Services Office

Ashley Powers Clark, MS, MSW, PPSC
Homeless Education Services Program Coordinator (Homeless Liaison)
(916) 643-2450

Housing Survey

California Education Code § 48851 mandates that local educational agencies (LEAs) administer a housing questionnaire to identify homeless children and youths. This questionnaire can be downloaded below and is available in paper form at your school site or by contacting the homeless education services office at homeless-services@scusd.edu or 916-643-2450. You can also complete an online housing survey here.  

Is a student or family experiencing a loss of housing? Submit a Housing Survey to Homeless-Services@scusd.edu.

Homeless Services Flyer March 2023

SCUSD Housing Survey.English

SCUSD Housing Survey.Farsi

SCUSD Housing Survey.Hmong

SCUSD Housing Survey.Chinese

SCUSD Housing Survey.Spanish

SCUSD Housing Survey.Vietnamese

Rights for Students that are Unhoused

Rights for Students Who Are Unhoused.English

Rights for Students Who Are Unhoused.Chinese

Rights for Students Who Are Unhoused.Farsi

Rights for Students Who Are Unhoused.Hmong

Rights for Students Who Are Unhoused.Spanish

Rights for Students Who Are Unhoused.Vietnamese

Rights for Students Who Are Unhoused.Russian

Board Policy 6173

Administrative Regulation 6173

AB 1806 Summary: Homeless Youth Credit Issuance & Exemption from Graduation Requirements

Local Resources

Francis House Street Sheet Feb 2021

Veterans Services- VOA 2021

Wind Youth Services

CalWorks Housing Support Program 2022

Sacramento County Access- Mental Health Services 2021

Family Support Services

211 Sacramento (local information for housing, shelter, basic needs): https://www.211sacramento.org/211/

Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services: https://www.sacramentofoodbank.org/

Wellspring Women’s Center (women & children): https://www.wellspringwomen.org/

Lutheran Social Services: https://www.lssnorcal.org/

Loaves & Fishes (homeless support services): https://sacloaves.org/programs-services/

City of Sacramento Emergency Services (homeless support services): http://homeless.cityofsacramento.org/Get-Help/Emergency-Services

Shelter Agencies & Resources

211 Sacramento (shelter/basic needs):                                    916-498-1000/ toll free 844-546-1464, info@211sacramento.org; https://www.211sacramento.org/211/online-database/categories/homeless/

SHRA Homeless Housing & Resources: https://www.shra.org/emergency-housing-and-other-homeless-resources/

Volunteers of America (families): https://www.voa-ncnn.org/what-we-do

Next Move-Francis House Center (families): https://www.nextmovesacramento.org/francis-house-center/

Family Promise (families): https://www.familypromisesacramentoca.org/

St. Johns Program for Real Change (women & children): https://saintjohnsprogram.org/

My Sisters House (domestic violence-women & children)     (916) 428-3271, http://www.my-sisters-house.org/

City of Refuge (women & children): https://cityofrefugesac.com/

Wind Youth Services (youth): https://www.windyouth.org/

WEAVE (domestic violence):                                                  (916) 920-2952, https://www.weaveinc.org/

Low Income & Affordable Housing

Sacramento Emergency Rental Assistance (SHRA):         916-449-1266, sera@shra.org; https://www.shra.org/

211 Sacramento (housing/shelter):                                      916-498-1000/ toll free 844-546-1464, info@211sacramento.org; https://www.211sacramento.org/211/online-database/categories/housing/

SHRA (Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency- affordable housing): https://www.shra.org/other-affordable-housing-options/

SHRA Wait List (apply for low income housing): https://sacwaitlist.com/dashboard

HUD (Housing & Urban Development- affordable housing lists): https://www.hud.gov/states/california/renting

Sacramento Cottage Housing (permanent supportive housing): https://www.cottagehousing.org/

Hope Cooperative (aka TLCS) (housing for families with psychiatric disabilities): https://hopecoop.org/

Sacramento Self-Help Housing (tenant rights, housing resources, & lists): https://www.sacselfhelp.org/

Tenant Rights & Protections

Sacramento Tenant Protection Program Program:            916-808-8121 https://www.cityofsacramento.org/Community-Development/Code-Compliance/Tenant-Protection-Program

Renters Help Line (tenant rights & help):                            916-389-7877, rentershelpline@sacseflhelp.org  

Sacramento CARES Mediation Program (landlord-tenant disputes): 916-850-9010, sacramento@calawyersforthearts.org