Head Lice – Help and Resources
Head lice are common in school age children. Head lice are unpleasant but they do not spread disease. District policy encourages detection and treatment that minimizes disruption to the educational program and reduces student absences.
Find reliable up-to-date information about how to get rid of a lice infestation from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).
Staff will maintain the privacy of students identified as having head lice. Suspected cases of head lice will be reported to the school office. School office staff will check the student’s head for lice. If a student is found with active head lice, they will be returned to class and allowed to stay in school. The parent/guardian of any such student will be given the two CDPH flyers, Got Lice? What you need to know and the How to Guide for Nit Combing. Parents/guardians will be asked to treat the student that evening and to check and treat all members of the family who are also infested. The parent/guardian will be informed that the student will be checked upon return to school the next day. There is no evidence checking all other students in the classroom is effective or necessary.
Upon the student’s return to school, the student will be checked for active head lice. If it is determined that the student remains infected with head lice, the school office staff will contact the student’s parent/guardian to check whether treatment had been provided, to CDPH information about head lice treatment and to a healthcare provider. The student will remain in school.
If a student is found consistently infested with head lice, they may be referred to the School Nurse or Support Center to determine the best approach for identifying and resolving problems contributing to the student’s head lice infestations.
If you have questions about the policy or about treating your student please contact your School Nurse. Find your school nurse here.
- Got Lice? Here’s what you need to know – CDPH Flyer Dec 2022 to print
- How to Guide for Nit Combing – CDPH Flyer Dec 2022 to print
More information about lice and evidence for policy:
CDPH Head Lice: What you Need to Know
Head Lice: What Parents Need to Know, American Academy of Pediatrics