Accounts Payable

Contact Accounts Payable


Accounts Payable is responsible for payments of all District invoices, except student activity payments. We also process employee and petty cash reimbursements and 1099s.

Serna Center, 1st Floor
Box 802B

General Questions:

To request a copy of your 1099, click on this link.

Byanca Sagrero Ledezma – Interim Accounts Payable Lead Technician

(916) 643-7892

Vendors A-D

Jennifer Park - Fiscal Services Technician

(916) 643-7874

Vendors E-M

Lisa Fang – Fiscal Services Technician (Sub)

(916) 643-7891

Vendors N-Z

Zhiling Yang - Fiscal Services Technician (Sub)

(916) 643-7889