Permit Requests

Intra and Inter-District Permit Request Process for All Grade Levels


Learn about District Permits

Intra-District Permit Requests

Intra-District Permits are for families who currently live within the SCUSD boundaries to request a transfer to a school that is not their neighborhood school (school of residence). Visit our School Finder to find your neighborhood school. 

Permits are approved based on space availability at the requested school or specialty program.

Inter-District Permits Requests

Inter-District Permits are used to transfer in and out of the Sacramento City School District. Permits into SCUSD are approved based on space availability at the requested school or specialty program.

Download the Application for Inter-District Transfer Permit (ITP).

Change School From Outside the Sacramento City Unified School District to a School Within the District

If you would like to change schools from outside the district to a school within the Sacramento City Unified School District, you will need to:

  1. Request an Inter-district Transfer Permit (ITP) from your district of residence 
  2. Your district of residence must approve the ITP.
  3. Apply for an Inter-District Transfer Permit through SchoolMint and upload the approved ITP including supporting documentation to SchoolMint as part of your application. 
Request to Attend a School Outside the Sacramento City Unified School District

If you would like to change schools from your school of residence to a school outside the district, you will need to request an Inter-District Transfer Permit (ITP) from the Enrollment Center. 

  1. Complete the Application for Inter-District Transfer Permit (ITP)
  2. Then submit your completed application and supporting documents using this webform

Inter-District Permit Transfer Requests leaving Sacramento City Unified School District will be accepted at anytime using the webform above. 

Apply for an Intra-District or Incoming Inter-District Permit

Step 1: Learn about schools and specialty programs that participating

Not all district schools or specialty programs participate in the District Permit process. Some schools reach their grade level enrollment capacity prior to the District Permit time period.

The list of schools and specialty programs participating will be posted in March 2025. 

Step 2: Apply for an Intra-District or Incoming Inter-District Permit

This year, families will apply for both intra-district and incoming inter-district permits through SchoolMint starting on Monday, April 7, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. – Friday, April 25, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

Once your parent/guardian account is created on SchoolMint, add your student(s) to the account.

Families applying for students currently attending a SCUSD school will select “Yes” indicating that their student is currently enrolled and then enter their Student ID number*, student’s first and last name, date of birth. This information allows SchoolMint to pull in existing information that is on file in Infinite Campus, SCUSD’s Student Information System. 

Families with a new student or a student that currently attends a non-SCUSD school will select “No” indicating that their student is not currently enrolled and manually add their student’s information to SchoolMint. This information will be verified before the application enters the lottery. 

Once families register, they can apply for a District Permit between April 7 – April 25 on the SchoolMint platform. All communications about district permits will be sent through SchoolMint either by email, text or both. 

*Student ID numbers can be found on your student’s report card and also by logging onto your Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Step 3: Receive a notification communication & register

Notification will be sent to families through SchoolMint on May 15, 2025. Families will receive the notification based on what preferences (email, text message or both) were selected when registering.

New Students Must Complete Official Registration Form

If a district permit is approved and offered, new students to the district will need to complete a full registration form. Families will need to provide photo identification, address verification, proof of birth documentation, and immunization records.

A link to the registration form will be included in the offer notification sent. New students will be automatically dropped from the program acceptance list, if they do not register by their offer deadline.


Please contact Adriana Perez is at with questions about any permit request.