RSK Frequently Used Forms
Concussion Head Injury Information Sheet
Effective January 1, 2012, a new law ( Education Code Section 49475), requires the student and parent/legal guardian must sign this Concussion Head Injury Information Sheet before a Student may try-out, practice, or compete in any District-sponsored extracurricular athletic program, including interscholastic, intramural, or other sport or recreation programs (including cheer/dance teams and band), but excluding physical education courses for credit.
Concussion Head Injury Report Form and Medical Release
Coach or other removes student from activity and completes form and gives to student or parent. Included medical release must be obtained before student can return to play. Optional to use for other serious injuries.
Use of Education Facilities Agreement (Computer Enter)
User is a nonprofit organization, or a club or association (other than a public agency) organized to promote youth and school activities, which will not engage in fund raising activities not designed to benefit your or public school activities on School District property.
Use of Facilities Between Public Agencies
For use between public agencies excluding City of Sacramento. We have a separate MOU between SCUSD and City of Sacramento.
Incident or Student Accident Report Form (Computer Enter)
Use this universal form when reporting an incident or student injury. Reminder: this is confidential SCUSD information and cannot be released to parent or other party. Please call Risk Management if you have any questions at 643-9421.